Saturday Nov. 9 at 10:33 am until Saturday Nov 16 at 4:44 pm
As always many options are available for attending…
Many of you have attended a gathering in the past, so you understand how impossible it is to tell you what will happen during these 8 days because it is a NOW event. Meaning we will change things in the moment depending on what is appropriate for those present and what the group prefers to do. What is a given is..
However we CAN say:
that it will be ‘a kind and loving space’, overflowing with:
moments to soar, times to be quiet and
opportunities to ‘sing and be merry’.
Check out a few photos from previous years on our gallery photos… (click on image below)
and get a ‘general idea’ of how some days will unfold.
That may assist you in deciding if you need to book a day or two off work.
As the Temple Lights rise up around you . . .
and the Love of the Divine Mothers and Sacred Fathers surrounds you . . .
the Wings of the Dove will surely embrace you in Peace.
Check in with your heart to help you make your decision
– it is generally a much better guide than the human mind.
Our event donations are the same as last year…
Contact us via email for sliding-scale assistance if this is a problem for you.
Requests are addressed on an individual situation basis.
2019 CURRENT OPTIONS and Early Bird Information
**additions may be made spontaneously at last minute…
Nov. 9th – Saturday
The Beginning: Join us to set the tone and set the foundation to this event.
Nov. 10th – Sunday EVENING Only
Join us and the crystal bowls and gongs to set the tone and add your energetic signature to this 11:11 event.
THREE: (A & B)
November 11 – Monday (Canadian Holiday):
choose from $27 to $177 (144 early bird)
Only a limited number of guaranteed seats are available for Nov. 11th – all day and evening
depending on how many people attend the full event.
November 11, ALL day
10:30 am – midnight: $177
($144 if you book before Sept 30th)
this includes the 11:11 am and the very special late night 11:11 pm Gateway Walk with The 999
November 11th ‘evening’ only’
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm:
This option does NOT include the late night sessionthat starts at 10:30 pm
$27 if space is available
November 9: 10 : 11
The 11:11 – 3 day Holiday Weekend:
Saturday, Sunday and Monday
An extra special Power-Packed Triad of days.
ALL DAY Saturday 10:33 am start, Sunday and Monday
Yes this includes Nov 11th 11:11 am and 11:11 pm with The 999
($311 – save $55 if you book before Sept 30th)
Nov 13th – Wednesday Evening
The Divine Mothers Invite you to join them
and The Archangelic GoldenOne (Raphael),
for a special QUIET evening of Healing, Compassionate Love
SIX: (A & B)
November 15 -16
Friday and Saturday – Short Weekend
Time to wrap it all up and tie an energetic bow
These days are designed to assist you energetically with moving forward into the flow of the remainder of 2018 and to be ready to embrace 2020 with confidence and peace..
Nov. 15, Friday Eve plus Nov. 16
Nov. 15 & 16: 2 full days
The Complete Transformational Extravaganza
Nov 9 – 16:
EIGHT days Together as ONE
You’ll BE there for it ALL and the many energetic surprises
that appear out of nowhere during this 8 day event.
If you are looking for an inspiring, energetic accelerator… this could be IT.
An AMAZING 8 Power-packed days and nights – evenings are optional
$799 (avg. $111.66 per day)
Save $100
($699 – if you book before Sept 30th)
Contact us via email for sliding-scale assistance if you need assistance to attend.
Requests are addressed on an individual situation basis.
Register Now
Is THIS the Year You are Ready to Join Us?
Not to worry – if your heart is calling out to you to attend, then ‘ready you are indeed’.
Although we have an intention to be here to: serve the Healers, Lightkeepers, Earth Guardians, Universal Gatekeepers etc who GIVE to the world on an on-going basis and need a place to go to recharge themselves…
There actually are no energetic prerequisites for this event.
We also believe many so called ‘ordinary people’
are some of the most powerful ‘movers and shifters’ on the planet at this time…
It’s fine by us if nobody else in the world knows who you are…
You don’t have to read fancy books, sit cross legged, talk to crystals
or ‘hear voices and see’ colours” in order to attend.
(Well you might experience those things – but you don’t need to…
All you need is an honest desire to join other loving people to experience a Divine Flow
of Sound~LIGHT~Colour coming together as ONE, on Planet Earth, for the good of the ALL.
Just ‘come as you are’ (dressed in WHITE)
with a heart ready to give AND receive more good,
and a mind excited to expand beyond the norm!
What’s it really all about???
It’s an energetic extravaganza . . .
A Transformation Station of Love and Light . . .
A Profoundly Positive Experience . . .
INDEED . . .
there is nothing quite like this anyplace else on Planet Earth !!!
If your Heart and Soul and Mind are ready for MORE GOOD,
you’ll likely love it here…
and we will love to have you join us.
Most certainly we are here to share with those who can’t attend, so we also
always add our peaceful intentions to ‘the global energetic patterns’ for the good of ALL..
We are looking forward to sharing this
most outrageously Divine Adventure with you.
~ contact us if you’d like more info ~